My Thoughts on Technology and Jamaica: How Dr. Henry Lowe Medicanja's parent BTRDI launching IPO in 2015 as Hemp and Marijuana cure 84 ailments

Thursday, January 8, 2015

How Dr. Henry Lowe Medicanja's parent BTRDI launching IPO in 2015 as Hemp and Marijuana cure 84 ailments

“... We have not excluded the Jamaican people We will be calling on anyone who want to be a part of building the Brand Jamaica medicinal cannabis industry through the aegis of BTRDI, Medicanja Limited and the UWI. We will be floating an IPO for anyone who wants to get involved”

Dr Henry Lowe speaking during the Medicanja company launch in Kingston on Wednesday October 29th 2014

Since the official decriminalization of Marijuana on Tuesday September 30th, 2014 by Minister of Justice Mark Golding as chronicled in my blog article entitled “Minister of Justice Mark Golding announces Decriminalization of Marijuana - Still no word on Medicinal Cultivation or Legalizing Hemp so I can Quit like a Boss”, Dr. Henry Lowe owned Medicanja has been on a tear to get launched.

By October 2014, during the Medicanja company launch in Kingston on Wednesday October 29th 2014, he outlined plans for Products and VAS (Value Added Services) based on Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) as stated in the article “Lowe launches Jamaica's first medical marijuana company. Medicanja IPO for early 2015”, published Friday October 31, 2014, Avia Collinder, The Jamaica Gleaner.

Not only that, but he also outlined plans for Medicanja's parent company, BTRDI (Bio-Tech R&D Institute) to go IPO by early 2015. So far Medicanja has yet to get the necessary regulatory approval to sell any of its products or services to the public from the MOH (Ministry of Health).

To quote Dr. Henry Lowe “until the regulatory and legislative framework is established and approved by the Government of Jamaica and the Ministry of Health (MOH) for the local and international markets and in the health tourism business”.  So it’s a matter of wait-and-see!

Medicanja might not have long to wait, as Dr. Fenton Ferguson has already expressed interest in Medical Marijuana as it would translate to more Taxable revenue emanating from his ministry as stated in my blog article entitled “Dr. Fenton Ferguson want Marijuana Medicine – Pharmaceutical Marijuana means big Profits and Taxes for the GOJ”.

So what are the list of product that Medicanja plans to roll out one they gain regulatory approval? The list is quite extensive.

Medical Marijuana Product arsenal - 84 ailments cured by current and future Marijuana products   

This approval would specify which products would be sold over-the-counter or prescription only. This list of products includes:

1.      Ganja Relief - a sublingual drops for nausea, pain, appetite stimulation and motion sickness
2.      Ganja Salve - an arthritic cream for joint and muscle stiffness, pain and inflammation
3.      Ganjaflam - an anti-inflammatory cream for muscle pain, swelling and inflammation
4.      Ganja Col - a rubbing alcohol with lime scent
5.      Ganja Rub - an arthritic healing oil for muscle pain and stiffness
6.      Ganja Pain - a pain-relief spray for joint pain and muscle stiffness
7.      Ganja Sure - an oromucosal spray for nausea associated with chemotherapy pain and appetite stimulation

Interestingly they also have some more products in the pipeline:

1.      Ganja Viz - a glaucoma eye drop aimed at regulating inner ocular eye pressure
2.      Ganja Derm - a transdermal pain medication patch
3.      Ganja Vit - a cannabis multivitamin tonic
4.      Ganja Tabs - Tablets made of cannabis CBD tablets
5.      Ganja Tea - a cannabis leaf tea 

In all, Dr. Henry Lowe claims to be able to treat some eighty four (84) ailments using drugs made from CDB (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), both compounds found in Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) the latter being the one that gets you high, the former being good for the treatment of the following diseases:

1.      Alcoholism
2.      Antibiotic-resistant infections
3.      Arthritis
4.      Chronic pain
5.      Diabetes
6.      Epilepsy
7.      Multiple schlerosis
8.      PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
9.      Schizophrenia

So now their products are laid out bare, how is Medicanja structured and is it worth buying an IPO in the parent company BTRDI?

History of Medicanja - Stuff you need to know before buying into BTRDI IPO

Good to remember here that Medicanja was initially unveiled to the public in December 2013 as stated in my blog article entitled “Dr.Henry Lowe launches Medicanja and jump-starts Pharmaceutical Industry in our Back yard – Pharmaceutical Research Renaissance in Jamaica”.

As can be seen from the previous listings, Medicanja is focused primarily on neutraceuticals and cosmocueticals. Officially though, research in Marijuana products started as far back as 1969 on the campus of the UWI (University of the West Indies), which is also home to BTRDI laboratory and clinical trials to produce pharmaceuticals though an extended partnership that began in September 2014.

Medicanja is a registered company in Jamaica and Delaware in the US of A with the total number of employees counting its parent company BTRDI being thirty five (35). Medicanja's sole shareholder is EHF Resource Development Limited located at 39 Lady Musgrave Road in Kingston, home of Dr Henry Lowe's Eden Garden Property.

It only gets murkier from there, as EHF Resource is owned by Environmental Health Foundation, another company owned by Dr. Henry Lowe that lists the following people as Directors:

1.      Errol Morrison
2.      Henry Lowe
3.      Herbert Lowe
4.      Novlet Green
5.      Oral Shaw

Medical Marijuana market expanding – P.J. Patterson declares the time to “fly the gate” is now

Their VAS and Products are targeted not just at Jamaica, but the wider Caribbean and the rest of the world, according to Medicanja board member and former Prime Minister P.J. Patterson. Medicanja board member and former Prime Minister P.J. Patterson goes on to further quote some interesting stats:

1.      US$2.5 billion, the value of the US Marijuana Market in 2014
2.      US$8.9 billion, the projected value of the US Marijuana Market in 2015
3.      US$10 billion, the estimated value of the Global Hemp Market 

Holland, Spain, Germany, Italy, Britain, Australia and, most recently, the Czech Republic have joined the state of Colorado in the US of A where Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) is legal for use as a pharmaceutical and a recreational drug as long ago as October 2013 noted in my blog article entitled RasPuddler says Legalization of Marijuana benefits large Scale Growers - How Teenagers can Learn to Extract THC for personal Use to make Chocolate Cookie, Brownies and Sorrell Cake for Christmas”.

With some JA$25 million of the Directors own money sunk into Medicanja, it explains why they're willing to offer as much as 45% of BTRDI, the parent company of Medicanja. They are also actively seeking investors via their website to raise the needed capital, albeit Dr. Henry Lowe didn't disclose the Stock Broker who would be preparing their IPO.

But aside from the less-than-transparent Board structure, their product offering heralds a future that is not only bright but is the most high!

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