My Thoughts on Technology and Jamaica: Dr. James Rosser proves Video Games improves Surgery - How Super Monkey Ball helps Jamaican Doctors

Monday, October 14, 2013

Dr. James Rosser proves Video Games improves Surgery - How Super Monkey Ball helps Jamaican Doctors

“Surgeons who had played Video Games in the past for more than three hours per week made 37 percent fewer errors, were 27 percent faster and scored 26 percent better overall than Surgeons who never played Video Games. It is the error reduction that will have the most significant impact on patient safety”

Conclusion of a (2001-2003) Study into the effects on Video Games on improving Doctor performance during Surgery done by General Surgeon Dr. James "Butch" Rosser of the Celebration Health's Nicholson Center Hospital in Kissimmee, Florida

That’s good news for all Doctors, including Doctors here in Jamaica. A Study done recently by Dr. James “Butch” Rosser with a group of 300 Surgeons has managed to demonstrate the above; a reduction in surgical mistakes as stated in the article “Surgeons prep for high-tech Surgery with Monkey Ball 2, other Video Games”, published 7:22 p.m. EDT, October 10, 2013 By David Breen and Henry Pierson Curtis, Orlando Sentinel.

His original report, written a decade ago, had proven what has always been known from an anecdotal point of view; playing Video Games before doing any complex task improves hand-eye coordination and reduces mistakes.

Why this article is so interesting is that it again shows the positive benefits of playing Video Games as opposed to the negative connotations with violence, which no study to date has been able to conclusively prove. In fact, violent Video Games have been shown to reduce violence by allowing persons who are stressed to release their anger on virtual characters rather than real people based on a study conducted by Dr. Christopher J. Ferguson at Texas A&M as stated in “Study Claims Violent Video Games Reduce Hostility”, published August 11, 2010 By Ryan Fleming, DigitalTrends.

In so doing it improves their hand-eye coordination and thus makes them better at work that they may do in real life. There are even computer peripherals such as Interaxion’s Muse Mind Controller and the Leap Controller as described in my blog article entitled “Leap Motion Controller went live on Monday July 22 2013 - How a Theremin Computer Device revives PC sales as Everything is Possible to be controlled by Voice and Motion” that will relax both mind and body while playing a Video Game that requires you to flex the muscles in your mind.

Any connections or any violent Video Games to violent crimes thus far are merely correlation with no solid proof that they cause subjects to have violent tendencies and thus end up committing those crimes!

Dr. James Rosser study involved 150 Surgeons that played Super Monkey Ball on the Nintendo Wii and the original Super Monkey Ball on the original GameCube (most likely his favourite games I’ll bet!) and another 150 Surgeons as part of a control group that didn’t play any Video Games at all. He then had them perform Laparoscopic Surgery on a simulator to test their performance. Their performance on the simulator was compared and the study obtained the following results:

1.      37% fewer errors
2.      27% faster
3.      26% improvement over those in the control group who didn’t play Video Games

For those who are nostalgic about the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube, here’s a quick Video for Super Monkey Ball below.

You can see why Surgeons who are Games would benefit from this Game. The moves required would definately boost your hand-eye coordination. It’s kinda like how I play Tetris and Star Defender before I start blogging; a little warm up before my fingers start banging away at my laptop, making me remember my shortcuts better and type faster as explained in my blog article entitled “How to use Windows Shortcuts to be a more proficient Writer

Dr. James Rosser has been touting the benefits of playing Video Games before Surgery ever since as stated in “Surgeons Who Play Video Games Err Less”, published April 7, 2004 By Digital Trends Staff, DigitalTrends. He’s even gotten the Celebration Health's Nicholson Center Hospital in Kissimmee, Florida to outfit their Surgeons’ lounge with a Video Gaming Lounge!

This is a direct application of his study, as the Gaming Lounge allows four (4) Surgeons at a time can prep for Surgery by playing Video Games for at least six (6) minutes before performing Surgery as stated in the article “SURGEONS THAT PLAY VIDEO GAMES HAVE BETTER RESULTS”, published October 11, 2013 By Ryan Fleming, DigitalTrends.

Video Games, especially 3D Motion Controlled Games such as Nintendo Wii and the Microsoft Kinect, are already being used in training Doctors to do Heart Surgery as well as reduce patient re-infection as stated in my blog article entitled “Microsoft Kinect used to Teach Aneurysm Surgical procedures - A Gross Anatomy Future controlled by Voice and Gestures”.

As such, it’s great to hear more positive news on the use of Video Games to enhance the Medical Profession. Best of all, this study can benefit Doctors doing Surgery here in Jamaica as well as around the world, as Super Monkey Ball can be easily downloaded and set up in a Gamin Lounge similar to that at the Celebration Health's Nicholson Center Hospital in Kissimmee, Florida.

 As for Medical Doctors and fans of Super Monkey Ball, here’s the link to download (read torrent!) the Game or buy it if you have a Credit Card pay the US$48.99 to buy it from Amazon:

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